English 9 Career Assignment  English 9  

Three dimensional art   Oral Interp   Oral Interp Information

Lesson plans  

    Unit  1 graphics assignments   Unit 2 Graphics Assignments    Unit 3 Assignments  Unit 4 Assignments

 Unit 5Assignments    Unit 6 assignments       Unit 7 assignments     Unit 8 assignments  Unit

 9 assignment s

   Graphics II, Week 1     Graphics II, Week II  Graphics II, Week III   Graphics II, Week IV 

 graphics II, Weeks 7 and 8     Graphics II, weeks 8 and 9

  Graphics Gallery   Spring, 2006 Art Gallery 1  Graphics Gallery, Spring 2007

 Teacher of the Year   Karl Dulitz, artist    Mr. Nash's Gallery  

Photo gallery--Summer of 2008--Dewangen, Germany

Oral Interp--2005


  1. For complete rules go to www.sdhsaa.com and go to the speech section. Become familiar with these rules—they are important.
  2. We pay for everything but you will be responsible for your own meals.
  3. There are meals available at the various schools.  Depending upon your appetite, plan for $5 or more.

Blue jeans are a no-no.

·         All students participating are expected to go by the dress code regarding bare navels, spaghetti straps, tank tops, etc. 

    bulletSimple black outfits are good for girls and shirts and dress pants for guys. 
    bulletTies are good and suits are outstanding.
    bulletMake sure nothing is too tight, too short or too revealing. 
    bulletJudges do look at the clothes and have admitted to lowering ratings because of that. 
    bulletAttitude shirts are bad for this.
    bullet Also, t-shirts with any writing should not be used.
  1. We will be going to Milbank, Clear Lake,  Florence, Watertown, Madison (if there are five entries), and regions and we hope to go to state in Yankton.
  2. Please be sure to go to the areas in which you are entered and watch what the rest of the world is doing.  Do not wander the halls between presentations.
  3. Do not speak or whisper or annoy in any way anyone who is presenting.
  4. Do not enter or leave a room when a speaker is presenting.
  5. Remember your piece.
  6. No Makeup slip—No trip.
  7. Be careful of any comments—you will never know what effect your comments will have on a potential judge, potential opponent or the reputation of yourself or your school.
  8. I do not know at present if we will be riding with another school but remember your p’s and q’s when you are on the bus.  If we ride with someone else, be especially on good behavior. Remember that you are NOT to move between seats while the bus is in motion.
  9. Do not plan to go to Hardee’s etc. after the contest or to pick up breakfast before we leave town.  Eat at home or don’t eat.  (Buy a candy bar or pop there if you need nourishment on the bus.)
  10. Do not take along valuables.  They may get lost or stolen and no one but you is responsible for watching your stuff.
  11. Cell phones must be turned off when you are in any session!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Dress appropriately—clothing must not be too tight, too short, too sloppy, and must not show your belly button or rear.  Girls—high heels are difficult to use and uncomfortable with all the walking.
  15. Do not wear dangly jewelry—it detracts from your presentation.
  16. Do not eat sugary food or drink milk or milk products after 10 p.m.   It will coat your vocal cords and make your voice crack.
  17. Be sure to practice several times before the contest—your first round should not be a practice round.  Too many score averages have been messed up for people who are not ready for their first rounds and get a low score on round one.
  18. I will be judging but they can find me in the event of an emergency.  Generally we will stay for finals if I have to judge.  Seeing the best of the best is good for you so please go to those contests.
  19. Let me know if you have any medical conditions that may pop up at a contest and if you have any procedures that need to be followed in case of an emergency.
  20. For Saturday meets, let me know if you will be anywhere but at home on Friday night.  Sometimes we need to find an over sleeper or cancel a trip because of weather.
  21. If you want to get into mischief, remember that if it is against the rules in Webster, it is against the rules in any other town.  You will face consequences for misbehavior.  Apology letters may be required.  You may also be held responsible for the costs of damages.
  22. If you get a detention, you will serve it on the day assigned. I will not help you get out of a detention.
  23. When we get there we’ll go into the auditorium.  I’ll do the paper work.  We’ll have our codes and schedules before we leave for some of the contests.  At other contests I will need to pick up the information at the contest.
bulletThe average scores in at least two contests in your area will determine participation in the regions. 
bulletIf you are the only one in your area, you probably will go.
bullet I’ll use the average of ratings and ranks to determine who will go.
bullet If we have a serious tie, the determination will be based on age and finally on years of experience and if needed a draw of two cards.
bulletIf you qualify in more than three areas, you will choose which areas will be yours to attend.
  1.  Be very quiet between sessions and outside rooms—there are other people who deserve your silence.
  2. Be sure to stay in the rooms with the exception of those who are double entered.
  3. Double entries should go to their earliest performance first and then the later one last. 
  4. Be sure to tell your judges if you are double entered.
  5. You are responsible for clean up of your garbage on the bus—it should not be necessary for any bus driver to clean up after us.
  6. Do not spray any scented materials on the bus.  Some people are allergic and it has the potential of messing up another student’s performance.
  7. Bring a blanket and jacket if weather warrants.  Weather conditions can change rapidly in South Dakota at this time of the year.  Remember that we will return at night from Milbank so it could get chilly.
  8. For those early morning trips—there will be no stopping for Breakfast. —Eat at home—the time it takes for us to stop for breakfast gets very expensive.
  9. We will not be going to Madison because of costs involved unless there are at least five entries. (This involves leaving at 5 a.m. so plan accordingly.)
  10. Please set up a buddy system to make sure that you wake up on time for those early morning contests.
  11. Make sure you get enough sleep the night before a contest.  None of us are at our best when we are too tired.  Also, watch out for cold and cough syrups.
  12. Be responsible—if you cannot go, please let me know.  We do not want to hire busses when a suburban will do.  Try to let me know before noon on Friday.  If something happens on Friday night, call my house at 345-4583.
  13. We also do not want to pay an extra $40 for an extra judge.  Some schools are requiring students who drop after entering to pay the costs of their lack of responsibility.  IF YOU DROP FOR REASONS OTHER THAN REAL ILLNESS OR FAMILY EMERGENCY AND WE HAVE HIRED AN EXTRA JUDGE, YOU WILL BE CHARGED THE COST OF THAT JUDGE ALONG WITH THE COSTS OF YOUR ENTRY AND IF WE HAVE EXTRA TRANSPORTATION.
  14. You are responsible for making sure that your name is on the entry list.  Telling me in the hall will almost guarantee that I will forget and we will all be angry.  SIGN UP ON THE SIGN UP SHEET IN THE ART ROOM.  (IF I AM NOT THERE, LEAVE A NOTE OR EMAIL ME.)
  15. We offer humorous prose, poetry, serious prose, serious drama, oratory, duet and readers theatre.
  16. Pieces may be no more than 10 minutes long.
  17. Pieces must be appropriate.  Language can be changed or cut.
  18. Pieces must have been published somewhere.
  19. No shows for a contest will be charged the cost of the entry fee and possibly the cost of the extra JUDGE AND/OR bus driver.  Be responsible.
  20. If on a Friday night you find out that you cannot go, feel free to call me on my cell phone at 380-2153 or at 345-4583 (leave a message if no answer.)
  21. We will have a local open house to show “our stuff” but this will not be a judged presentation.
  22. You will need to practice as often as possible to myself or anyone you can practice with including the walls.
  23. For duet or readers theater, if you need to have me come to school for a practice, give me enough advance notice.
  24. We will schedule practices and if you want to practice more, the person whose time is listed will have the first opportunity followed by others.
  25. I will not be able to practice between 4:20 and 5:15.
bulletTo qualify for regions, an average is taken of all presentations from ALL rounds of competition. 
bulletYou will receive a 5 for 1st, 4 for 2nd, 3 for 3rd, 2 for 4th and 1 for 5th. 
bulletThose numbers will be added to your rating and an average will be created by dividing the total number of points by the number of rounds.
bullet If there is a tie, the older student will go.
bullet If they are the same age, they will cut cards—high card wins.
  1. I will probably be going to Watertown on Monday, September 12 for a session on rules.  You may accompany me if you wish.  It is at 7:30 p.m.
    bulletYou must maintain your eligibility according to the school rules and also the rules of the Activities Association.